Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese therapy used to improve the body's overall function by encouraging natural healing of the tissues, reducing pain and inflammation, and restoring physiological balance. It involves the insertion and manipulation of very fine needles into the skin at specific points on the body to correct imbalances in the body's flow of blood and energy, called Qi ("chee"). These points are located along channels, called meridians, which contain Qi and blood. In Traditional Chinese Medicine,it is believed that in order for the body to function optimally, the flow of Qi and blood must be balanced. Any imbalance greatly effects the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual part of the self, and this disruption is believed to result in an increase of symptoms and disease.
How does it Work?
Acupuncture stimulates the body to produce and release its own pain-relieving chemicals called "endorphins". Endorphins block pain signals along the pathways that transmit messages from the body to the brain, restoring biochemical balance in the body's internal regulating systems, thus providing pain relief and relaxation, which optimizes the body's natural healing abilities.
Acupuncture is effective in treating both acute and chronic pain disorders by encouraging natural healing; improving mood, energy, and sleep; decreasing pain and inflammation; and improving overall function of the injured area.
conditions it treats
Including, but not limited to:
Neurological and musculoskeletal disorders, such as osteoarthritis, sciatica, neck and back pain, headaches, migraines, tendonopathies, ankle sprains, rotator cuff injuries, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, De Quervain's, neuralgia and temporomandibular joint disorders
Rhematoid arthritis, fibromyalgia
Women's health including, PMS and post-menopausal syndrome
Stress, anxiety, depression and/or insomnia
Acute pain
Chronic pain
No medical referral is required to schedule an acupuncture treatment, unless your insurance company requires it for reimbursement of fees. Before your treatment, it is best to have a small meal and to be well rested. Do not drink alcohol, or take tranquilizers or barbituates for four hours prior to treatment. Please do not smoke tobacco for one hour prior to treatment. Please continue to take any other medications as prescribed by your doctor.
Your therapist will evaluate if acupuncture is medically appropriate for you. The number of treatments required varies with each person/condition. Response to treatment is variable and individual. For instance, some people obtain immediate relief, some feel improvement after a few hours or days, while others require a few treatments to notice a difference. Some will not respond to treatment. You should notice improvements by the 6th treatment. Dramatic progress frequently occurs after an average of 10 sessions combined with a home exercise program.
Post- Treatment
When you return home:
Rest for two hours if possible.
Do not consume alcohol or caffeine for two hours and do not smoke tobacco for one hour.
Avoid strenuous activity for two days following treatment, even if you are not experiencing pain.
Continue to take any medications as prescribed by your physician.