Pelvic Health (AFAB)
Are you feeling anxious when you cough, or laugh, or sneeze? Avoid certain impact activities that include jumping or running for fear of leakage? Do you go to the washroom before leaving the house even if you don't have to go, just in case? Are you avoiding sexual intimacy because intercourse is painful? Do you feel a heaviness when your standing, or walking, like a downward pressure in your pelvis?
These are just a few of the uncomfortable situations that can occur when our pelvic floor muscles are not functioning optimally. There is good news, Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy can help.
why it’s important
The pelvic floor muscles have many important functions including:
Providing low back support, thus relieving low back pain
Providing support to our intestines, bladder, and uterus so these organs remain where they belong in the abdominal cavity
Helping us maintain continence of our bowel and bladder
Allowing for sexual pleasure
YOUR appointment
Through a subjective review of your symptoms and medical history, the following would/could happen:
Education on the pelvic floor muscles, how they are supposed to function, and an explanation as to what happens when they are not functioning properly and why.
The physical exam includes (with the patient's consent) an internal exam to assess the health of the tissues, position of the bladder, rectum, cervix; activation of the pelvic floor muscles, and to isolate any areas of pain. An internal exam is not performed if a patient is pregnant, not comfortable, or is a minor.
The use of advanced technology is utilized for both assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor as well as the deep abdominal musculature. A real-time ultrasound and a biofeedback machine are used to assist the patient with visual feedback to help them recognize when they are activating their pelvic floor properly, thus allowing them to improve their skill, endurance and timing of contraction. These tools are also helpful in learning how to relax these muscles as needed.
Treatment may include exercises, education, inserts, bladder/fiber diaries, activity modifications, etc.
Conditions it May treat
Bladder and bowel incontinence
Vaginal and pelvic pain
Pelvic organ prolapse