Hi it's Rosie, and I have the most exciting news!
After working 10 years in clinics big and small, I have decided to branch out on my own and open my own practice. A lot of people are surprised when I tell them, as we are living in such uncertain times with the COVID pandemic.
To be honest, the COVID pandemic spurred me on to take this chance. It gave me an opportunity to provide my patients with excellent personalized communication at a time when things are rapidly changing. I also have an brilliant infection control opportunity in a smaller space with fewer people.
I appreciate the many congratulations I have received and the incredible support.
I was always told growing up that if we wait for the right time, for things to be perfect, we may miss out on amazing opportunities in life. So I'm standing here on the cliff's edge and I'm asking myself - What color is my parachute?...Here's to a great second half of 2020!